Thursday, April 16, 2009

mirror, mirror on the wall

It's been a while since I last blogged.

Not because nothing much has been happening in my life, but because so much has been happening that sometimes, I'm so busy trying to process the life lessons I'm undergoing that my mind goes blank when I sit down and try to put my thoughts and emotions into words.

There have been times when the constant energy shifts make me feel like a yo-yo -- flying high when I think I'm making progress in my soul purpose, and plummeting to the depths of grief and guilt when something or someone makes me angry or say, think or do something nasty and negative.

Nobody said it was easy.

But I take comfort in the fact that I am constantly reminded of God's unconditional love through the aid and guidance of loving angels and guides. And the people and animals who are sent to share my life and the path on which I'm on are also proof of this.

Even the people and situations that I sometimes wish would just disappear in a puff of smoke are in my life for a purpose: They hold up a mirror before me that reflects who and what I am, and what I can choose to be here and now.

That's a lot to learn and to think about. No wonder my mind sometimes goes blank.
