Monday, July 21, 2008

my knights in shining armour!

For someone who grew up in tropical Singapore, you'd think I'd be used to our quick-change weather by now.

When I got on the bus to get to work this morning, it promised to be another hot and humid day. But the No.13 that I boarded was new, and I had my book with me, so I settled in for a comfortable hour-long journey.

Five minutes before reaching my destination, the rain came. And it wasn't a light drizzle.

With no brolly and a 30m walk from the bus-stop to the office, I knew I'd be drenched by the time I reached the lobby. So I prayed for a miracle.

God, please make the rain stop. Or at least make it lighten up so I can reach the office without getting too wet.

The rain became a downpour just as I stepped off the bus.

Okay, so it wasn't stopping yet. But it would, I told myself. I'd asked for a miracle and I knew I'd get it. Even if it didn't look like it was about to dry up anytime soon.

I continued to walk away from the bus-stop until the overhead shelter ran out and I couldn't take another step without getting wet.

Just as I stopped walking, a taxi came out of nowhere and drew up right next to me to let a young man get out. The passenger smiled at me as he alighted and left the door open for me.

I thanked him and waved to the driver, who nodded and indicated that I should get in. As I quickly got in, I apologised.

"I'm so sorry, but I only need you to drive a very short distance. My office is just 30m ahead, but I would really appreciate it if you could drive me up to the lobby."

Half expecting a scolding or at least a glare for inconveniencing him in the pouring rain, the driver simply smiled and said, "That's all right. I know the building."

We were there in two minutes. The meter didn't even get the chance to tick long enough for the flag-down fare to increase.

I tipped the driver, of course, and thanked him before adding: "You were the answer to my prayers."

He simply laughed and wished me a good day.

I got to the office with no more than a few drops of rain on my shoulders.

Know what? I wouldn't be surprised if that driver and his passenger were both angels who came to my rescue when I asked for help.

I thank them both, and I thank God for starting my work week with a miracle.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi. I remember the movie, Bruce Almighty, which starred Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman (as God). Not too sure if you caught the movie. But Jim Carrey's character asked God why he hadn't received a miracle. And God replies by listing the simple good acts that ordinary people do on a daily basis, adding (something to this effect), 'Everytime a mother decides to stay off drugs to look after her child, that is a miracle. Don't wait for a miracle, be the miracle.' I think we are not only surrounded by angels that we do not see, but by people who embody the goodness of angels (and are therefore 'angels' themselves) through acts of kindness, compassion and willingness to do good. I read "My Knights in Shining Armour" on a slow Sunday afternoon and it's lifted my spirits. Congrats on your new blog, A.Jas! Looking forward to more wonderful sharings. God Bless. :)