Monday, July 28, 2008

the best things in life are free

Today, I received an email from someone who wanted to know what I thought of an email that she'd recently received.

It was from a psychic who promised this woman that she could have all the money, love and gambling luck in the world because she was, apparently, a "supra-celestial being", different from everyone else.

Despite the many assurances peppered throughout that the message had only been sent to her because she was so unique, it was obviously a form letter, albeit an extremely long one.

As expected, right at the end, there was an invitation to grant the psychic permission to perform some occult ritual that would ensure that this woman would get the money, love and luck that she so deserved as a supra-celestial being -- for a fee.

She could even buy the psychic's protection, if she so chose.

I simply told the person to follow her gut feel, and do what she felt was right.

Personally, I believe that we are all created by God. We are all made in His image and, therefore, we are all special. No one is better or more special than another.

For our souls -- that divine spark that God put into us all -- makes us all the same.

I don't believe I deserve more money, love and gambling luck than the next person.

But I do believe that we all deserve the best, and we can have the best if we would only allow ourselves to think and live positively.

For the best things in life are free.

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