Sunday, December 21, 2008

a special 2012 meditation on sentosa

The last time I went to Sentosa was som
etime in September, when I and five others accompanied my spiritual mentor Elisabeth Jensen to help the island to "breathe". It was an amazing experience for me personally (see Our Very Own Magical Island posted on Oct 7 this year).

But it also turned out to be a lesson in c
ommitment for me.

Elisabeth had mentioned, after that sessio
n, that it would be good if we could hold another meditation on the island on Dec 20. For the date 2012 -- because of its connection with the Mayan calendar's prediction of the year 2012 -- would be a powerful day spiritually, as many believe that energy portals will open up on that day to help raise the vibration of the planet as a whole.

At the time, I told myself that I would attend the meditation if one of the others in the group -- all powerful healers and teachers in their own right -- were to organise it. But in the end, it was I who
was led to do it.

Somehow, the urge to return to the island and hold a meditation was so strong that it propelled me to create an event in my Facebook group, Angels And Light, and invite anyone who would be interested to attend the meditation. And somehow, as I was writing out the event description, I felt the need to include another meditation for the fairies on the island.

The response wasn't encouraging at first
, but it slowly picked up. In the end, seven people confirmed their attendance, with a few more giving "maybe" replies. But I've learned from experience not to rely on "confirmed" attendances when it comes to spiritual matters.

So I just told myself to wait and see.
I had no set idea as to how to conduct the meditations and what to say during them, but I trusted that God and the angels would lead and assist me when the time came. What was more difficult, for me, was prepping myself to stick to the plan and go on with the meditation even if no one turned up and it rained.

All I knew was that I had to conduct th
ree meditations -- one to help those who came to connect with the universe and their higher selves; another to further open up the energy vortex there so that the healing energy from the Lemurian crystal underneath can channel more powerfully through and around the island and beyond; and a third to connect with the fairies and help them by rebalancing the energy on the island.

So yesterday, when I woke up, I pra
yed once more for lovely weather. I asked for a cool, breezy day and no rain. And I got it.

In fact, I got more than I'd bargained fo

Nine people turned up -- more than I had hoped. And when it was time to lead the first two meditations, the words simply came. And the meditations were powerful. One in the group felt the crystals he was holding vibrate, others felt a tingling in their hands or body. Some felt the energy from beneath build up and swirl around them before spreading to the island and beyond. One person saw bright golden light; another felt the energy and vibration of a higher being's presence.

And Isis was there. I was a little surprised at first, but I quickly realised that it wasn't surprising at all, as it was this be
autiful, loving Egyptian goddess who had guided Elisabeth to help with the island's healing in the first place. She graciously channeled a message of thanks to all who had turned up for the meditations and blessed them.

Then we walked on to the next spot, for
the meditation with the fairies. As I led the meditation, I thought I heard singing and music, but I gave it little thought as I concentrated on the words and images that were flooding my mind as I spoke.

It was only after it was over and the o
thers shared that they had heard humming, singing and even the sound of ringing bells, that we realised the fairies had given us a lovely gift in return for sending them love, light and healing. Not only had they sent us love, light and healing in return, but they had also let us hear them.

Not everyone in the group had all or the s
ame experiences, of course. Some hadn't heard the singing, but had felt their auras being cleansed and cleared both during and after the meditation. Others saw bright, twinkling sparks of fairy light. Yet others who hadn't seen or heard anything came away with a sense of love and peace which they hadn't had before.

And through it all, the Olympus camera that I'd brought along that afternoon alternated between taking crystal-clear pictures and startling ones that captured the energies that had been invisible to our naked eye but which had obviously been present.

So to all who joined me at Sentosa y
esterday with the pure intention of connecting with God and your higher selves, and to help both the island and the fairies by sending them light, love and healing from your hearts, I humbly add my thanks to Isis' and the fairies'.

I'd also like to add that I believe that ev
eryone of you -- like me -- got more than you bargained for. Because all that love, light and healing that you sent out came back to you a hundredfold.

After the first two meditations at The Heart Of The Forest on the Dragon Trail, I took a picture of the backs of the group as they headed down the trail to the next location for the meditation with the fairies. All I could see was showers of energy and light.

It couldn't possibly have been a camera malfunction, as this picture was taken after that, when we got to the site for our third meditation.

After the fairies meditation, it went all fuzzy again.

Heading out of the trail. The meditations were done, but the energies definitely weren't.

Final group shot before we parted company. Note how the dragon's head is clear but there's still fuzz around the group -- a combination of our auras and lots of energies and light.

1 comment:

Ophiuchus said...

Hi Jasmine,it's wonderful to finally meet you.Thank you so much for putting the event together!For such a special moment in time, what can one ask for but to get into action, as per our plan so long ago, collectively we are all beginning to remember ~ without needing to say more... :)
P.S. Wow, so much golden lights in the pictures!!!