Saturday, August 2, 2008

the month of hungry ghosts

Yesterday was the start of the Hungry Ghosts Festival. For a whole month, the gates of Hell will be open, and the spirits of the dead come out for their annual vacation. That's what the Chinese believe.

I used to dread the festival as a result of a few incidents that happened after we moved into our home 14 years ago (but that's another story). So every year
on the day before the start of Ghost Month, I'd sprinkle holy water all over the house and outside it.

I'd do it while it was still light, and pray for protection for all who lived in the house and entered it. I'd also sprinkle holy water over everybody in the house, including the pets.

I don't do that now.

Three years ago, I learned that I had 24/7 protection at my disposal.

I simply asked God to station an angel at each corner outside my house, to watch over and protect everyone who lived in it, so that no negative energy or spirit will be allowed to enter.

I then visualised a bubble of bright white light -- God's light -- surrounding the house at all times. And this serves as a holy, indestructible force field.

It worked, and it hasn't stopped since.

Once you realise how well loved and protected you are by God and the angels, the peace of mind you get is truly beyond understanding.

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